
Selkirk Secondary Grade 12 Timeline 2022-23


  • Start a post secondary file with important information: PEN number; SIN; list of volunteer activities; update your resume; obtain current letters of reference (have this information readily available, to support scholarship and post secondary school applications).
  • Ensure your courses meet BC graduation requirements (80 credit minimum). 

Use Graduation Requirement planning form (online under Grad Zone), and see Mr. Pew if unsure.

  • Identify post secondary schools you may be interested in attending, and ensure that your courses meet their entrance requirements.
  • Continue to explore post secondary plans: visit Mr. Pew and Mr. McIndoe.
  • Review post secondary school application dates and deadlines. Apply where appropriate.
  • Research scholarship opportunities, and apply when appropriate:

See Grad Zone on the Selkirk website for more scholarship information. Also, visit post secondary schools' financial aid webpage. Internal Selkirk scholarship applications will be available in April.


  • Meet with Mr. McIndoe to review & sign your TVR (Transcript Verification Report), sent to schools by the Ministry of Education to ensure graduation credits are in place.
  • Check for additional information that your post secondary school might require (essays, portfolios, reference letters, etc.)
  • Attend Grade 12 meetings to discuss important graduation information.
  • Complete the student transcript form:

This will ensure your 2nd semester midterm marks, final marks & transcripts are sent to the post secondary institute automatically. Really important to complete.


  • Final chance to apply to post secondary programs. Many have February 28 (or earlier!) deadlines.
  • Apply for housing if needed
  • Submit online marks (or ask Mrs. Foulkes to submit paper based marks) if required.


  • Many universities/colleges will ask you to self-report grades
  • Follow-up with the institution about any uncertainties (eg. Residence; marks; admission status; deadlines; paperwork, fees, etc).


  •  Internal Scholarship meeting with grade 12's.


  • May Date to be determined: Selkirk Internal Scholarship applications due
  • May 30-31: District Authority Scholarship Presentations
  • Some institutions will require you to send a registration deposit by the end of the month
  • Grad eligibility list is posted. 


  • Grad stage write-ups due to the office by May 12
  • Grad Ceremonies and Prom! 
  • If needed apply for Student Loans:

Grad Photos

Grad Photos: January 3-6, 2023


Sign Up INFO

The LifeTouch Website will be open for students and parents to reserve a Grad Photo Photography session. 

Please visit: 

 Go to "Don't have an Appointment Code?" section, select Province and type in Kimberley, click GO.

Click SELECT beside Selkirk Secondary School Upcoming Events (only one SELECT option here). 

Fill in your first and last name

Follow prompts from here. 

For Payment options:

1. You can pay the $40.00 sitting fee online while booking.

2. You can pay the $40.00 sitting fee in person on the day of your session (bring exact change please).

3. You do NOT have to pay the $40.00 sitting fee and your photo will still be in the yearbook and on the grad composite only. It's important to understand that without the sitting fee of $40.00, you will NOT get your photo proofs for further ordering.

See Ms. Iacobucci if you have any questions. 

Lastly, the first few days are now open and once these session times fill, the later times will be opened as well. Let's fill up the first few days first. We want ALL grads to get their photo for this very special time so please book your appointment as early as possible!